Willicroft is Europe’s First B-Corp Plant Based Cheese Company!

Stop the presses! Hear all about it!

(The following announcement has been stolen word for word from Willicroft’s Linkedin update, so you are getting it straight from the team that made this huge goal a reality)

‘2 years ago we set out on a quest to accredit ourselves with what we believe is the most holistic accreditation out there.

I'm incredibly proud to say that Willicroft is Europe's first Plant-Based Cheese B Corp whilst the Willicroft Store is the first Plant-Based Cheese store in the world.

What I think B Lab beautifully encapsulates is the origins of why companies were created, not for profit, for the greater good.

Whilst B Corp is undoubtedly a major undertaking it also acts as a checklist for running a holistic company. It opened our eyes to so many important factors that are easily overlooked and has enabled us to consider the wishes of every stakeholder and not just our beloved Mother Nature.

The days of focussing solely on profit making are over. Simply put, business as usual will lead to the widespread destruction of a huge number of the planet's species, potentially including our own. We certainly do not profess to be perfect but we are on the right track.’


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